Tuesday 12 March 2013

What Joy Means To Me, Mimi Luk

What is the definition of joy? The meaning of joy is so personal - it can mean looking into your newborn baby's eyes for the first time, spending time with your beloved pet, or appreciating a beautiful rainbow over the horizon. Some try to find joy in acquiring material things, or achieving monetary success or fame.

For me, the meaning of joy is being my true self. My mentor, Deepak Chopra discusses the true self:

1. The true self is certain and clear about things. 

2. The true self is stable.

3. The true self is driven by a deep sense of truth.  

4. The true self is at peace. 

5. The true self is love.

By being my true self, I have complete joy and inner peace. I appreciate every moment of my life and never take anyone or anything for granted.  I believe that no person or circumstance in my life is there by coincidence. I trust that I am to learn and grow from every person I encounter and every situation I face. I believe in limitless possibilities and have faith that everything is as it should be. With these beliefs, I can rest assured knowing that everything is well and live my life in a state of love, peace, and joy.

Joy cannot be bought, or found, or earned. Joy comes from within you. Joy comes from being grateful for all that you have and for all that you are. Joy is a state of being. That, to me, is the essence of joy.

Thanks for being here with me on my first blog post.
Mimi Luk